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Im Sorry About Last Night Its Just That Im Mean and Loud It Probably Will Happen Again

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LovelyBubbles07- Okay, my beloved has been waiting for this story for the longest..I'yard so sorry information technology took and so long love! This is especially for Kitsune Disciple, he won one of my contests before Project Shadow. Y'all might as well say that he pretty much wrote this one besides because he gave me a plot to go on while we were talking on IM. He wanted to write this story for a while only never got to information technology...especially since his stories require so much fourth dimension and dedication, and thats what makes em' good! Here are the ages for anybody in this story:

Sonic: 22

Knuckles: 23

Tails: 15

Rouge: 26

Disclaimer: Don't own Yuji Naka'southward characters, don't really own the plot...I just own the damn fucked up is that lol...OH! But I exercise own this.....


^Campsite Love^

One Shot for Contest Winner Kitsune Disciple

Taking a holiday was something that was very rare for the Sonic Team, but a weekend in the woods couldn't hurt right? Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails decided that they should spend the weekend camping, a guy's night out 1 would say. They arrived nearly hilltop mountains, in dense forest, with large dorsum packs. The weather was clear and it is a hot summertime day, of grade that'southward what Knuckles said, for about 20 times. Of form Sonic and Tails thought that information technology was better he say that than worry about the emerald. If anyone needed a break from guarding the huge glowing stone, it was Knuckles.

Sonic stretched and grinned, "Here we are! The not bad outdoors!" Tails smiled and allow downwards his dorsum pack as he looked around, "This place is perfect! Sonic when did you notice this?" "Oh it was while I was on my morning run..." Duke dropped his heavy load and gawked at the sight of the lake by the mountain, "Whoa! Check it out! Terminal i in is a rotten Eggman!" Tails ran afterward Knuckles as they both headed for clear blueish water. Sonic waved it off, "You guys go on ahead, I'chiliad gonna go some running in before dinner." "WIMP! You need to larn how to swim Sonic!" Knuckles mocked equally he pigeon in. Sonic shot a bird at Duke before speeding off and Tails just laughed as he dove in.

Settling in later the swimming, Tails put upwardly their tents and proceeded to have fun near the nice lake in that location. Knuckles spent most of the solar day pond and preparation, while Sonic went to explore more of the wood, gathering wood for the fire forth the way. Tails enjoyed the fourth dimension swimming and and so fishing for dinner. Later on on that night, the group met for dinner. Sitting around the campfire, the boys started to talk about the things happening to them lately. Eventually, the conversation let up to sex.

"So...Knuckles, how many?" Sonic asked as he ate a slice of barbecued fish. Knuckles looked up a scrap dumbfounded, "Whaddaya mean?" "I mean Knucklehead, how many girls take y'all done?"

Duke chuckled a bit and nodded, "Oh that...x" Sonic looked up a petty shocked, "You're fucking lyin'..." Knuckles shook his head, "I'yard serious, later on Julie-Su and I broke upwards, all the girls have been all over me. What can I say, I'chiliad fucking sexy....and girls dear 'em big, heh heh" Knuckles flexed and smirked every bit Sonic rolled his eyes,"Oh yeah, girls love a dumb meat head they can get over on..." A vein popped onto Knuckles forehead as he cut his eyes to Sonic, "Say what.." Sonic felt a small drop of sweat roll down the back of his caput as he held his hand upward, "Nothin, nothin I believe yous..." "Yeah, yeah whatever..."Knuckles started as he put downwards his plate and clasped his hands together, leaning forward, "So, how many for you, smart donkey...y'all allow Amy rape you yet?" Sonic looked up with a face of horror from his plate, most chocking from his food. "Ahem...idiot, don't joke about shit like that!"

Knuckles just laughed and Tails chuckled at chip as Sonic pouted a scrap before standing, "Look I've gotten plenty more groupies than yous have, I've been with 17 girls, none of them would always be Amy, good gods..." Tails chuckled, "Oh come on, she'south not that bad..." Sonic looked over to Tails, "And how would y'all know Tails? Hey...take you e'er..." Tails blushed a flake in embarrassment and looked downwardly, picking at the fish basic in his plate. Duke notice the small blush and a wide grin was plastered on his face. "Tails....have you ever washed it before....huh?" Tails looked off, "uh..." Knuckles pointed at him, "AH HA! Hesitation, yous're still a virgin! I knew information technology! Hah Hah!" Sonic chuckled a flake which then erupted to loud laughter, every bit Knuckles connected to heckle Tails. "Wow, you've probably never even seen breasts before have you? Damn dude your like, however a baby!" Tails immediately got frustrated at the final comment and stood up rapidly, "Dammit Knuckles I'thousand not a fucking infant!"

Tails stormed off to his tent went inside. The ii watched in silence and Sonic looked over to Knuckles, "I think you may take went a fleck far with that comment, buddy." Knuckles waved it off,."Meh whatever, its not like he'due south scarred for life or anything. Likewise, its not my fault he hasn't gotten whatsoever yet. Anyways, I'yard off to bed. Good nighttime..." Sonic waved to him practiced dark and looked back at Tails' Tent earlier retiring to his ain, hoping he didn't hurt Tails' feelings too bad.

The next 24-hour interval the threesome decided to go on a pocket-sized nature walk around the woods. Tails hadn't said annihilation to Knuckles since last nigh and Sonic nudged Knuckles while on the walk. Sonic leaned over to whisper to Knuckles, "Y'all should say sorry, I mean he's purposely walking far backside usa, you know he never does that!" Knuckles grunted in response and rolled his eyes, "Hell...he really is acting like a infant now...but I'll do it, fine.." Knuckles turned effectually to go to Tails...but he saw that no one was there...Knuckles looked around and and then froze, "Um Sonic? Where'south Tails?"

Tails had been following the group simply had gotten lost, he was besides busy looking at the ground to notice that the others had went in the other management. Looking up he started to wonder around some more than. In truth, he needed the fourth dimension to himself, to collect his thoughts. He was quite tired of being the "baby" of the grouping...he wasn't a little kid anymore. In actuality, Tails had grown to be quite the handsome fob, and any girl would love to be with him, simply he just wasn't interested in anyone at the moment. Cream was adorable but she is simply too young and after Cosmo, he actually didn't want to fall in dear again. There was one girl that he'due south e'er wondered most.

E'er since her relationship with Knuckles ended, Tails has always wondered virtually Rouge. There was no doubt that Rouge was every human and animal'due south dream, she has the nearly perfectly proportioned figure and her optics are the well-nigh beautiful shade of aquamarine that he's ever seen. Plus, she'due south older so she has and then many things she could teach him. All the same, as far as he knows, she would never be interested in him, at least that is what he thought.

In the midst of his time of reflection, he didn't happen to notice the dark clouds forming in the sky. Information technology seemed like the heavens decided to open up up as rain started to pound the wood difficult. Running every bit fast as he could for comprehend, Tails saw a cave upwards ahead almost the mount and rushed inside. Shaking the water from his fur he looked out the from the cave's opening and saw the rain, pouring like sheets of white down the ground. Sighing he sat down in the puddle of his water, staring to accept of his shoes and gloves. "But great, at present I take to wait it out...damn. I'm gonna go a cold." "I have a way you could avoid the sniffles..."

Tails ears perked upwards as he heard the smooth voice. He turned around and saw Rouge, standing there with a curt pinkish bathrobe, her ears wrapped in a pink towel, and fuzzy slippers on her anxiety. "Fancy meeting you lot here, niggling genius...What are yous doing way out hither?" Rouge asked every bit she put her hands on her hips. Tails chuckled a flake and stood, his fur was disordered down past the h2o and his muscular body showed along with his sheathed length. Of course he didn't observe her eying his trunk equally he said, "I was near to ask you the same thing...I was with the others when I got lost on our hike and information technology started to pelting. At present for the more than of import question, what are you doing here, in a bathrobe?" Rouge giggled at his witty response and propped her hand on the wall, leaning with her other hand still on her hip, showing a bit more of her taut tan thighs, "Well, since you stumbled onto my belongings, let me testify you lot..."

Tails looked at her, intrigued past what she meant every bit Rouge motioned with her finger to follow her deeper into the cavern. Walking behind her, he notices the dim lights grow brighter every bit he entered in and saw that the cave was made to be a nice dwelling house. "I guess you would call this my summer home, "she stated every bit she turned to him, "It has a nice little hot jump so I used my coin I made from the government and my gild to make a private little place here for me, indoor plumbing and all, the works." Tails nodded and started to sit on the inviting red and pink couches before she stopped him with a mitt, "Ah ah, dingy male child...we must become you clean and warm..." She said baring a toothy smiling as she grabbed his hand and lead him to the makeshift bathroom and hot spring. "I was just about to take a bath earlier you came so yous take perfect timing..Past the way...What made you wonder off, hm?" Tails sighed and looked off a bit," Oh its nothing. Just something that me and the guys were talking about kinda distracted me..." Rouge went to grab an actress towel from her linen cupboard and looked at him, somehow she knew he wasn't existence entirely true and it intrigued her.

Rouge sat downward near the edge of the hot leap bath and tested to h2o looking at him standing in that location. Her robe was teased open a flake and he saw the ascent and curve of her perfect breasts. Sniffling a groan, he looked away, "Um if you want you can just go outset Rouge. I'll wait..." Rouge smiled at his embarrassed look, "Oh and what fun would that be? Why don't you share the bathroom with me, I'grand sure yous demand some one to scrub your back right?" Tails looked flustered at the offer and his mind said to be a admirer and refuse, but his body sang a totally unlike melody equally he dropped his shoes and gloves at the door.

Rouge grin and nodded to the bath every bit he stepped inside the hot water, "See now its non so bad, is it?" Rouge so stood and took the towel off her head, flexing her ears a bit. Tails turned his head so he wouldn't look and Rouge admired his modesty, "Oh Tails its ok...y'all tin can look now.." Tails looked back over, half-way expecting her to already exist in the water. Rouge stood there and giggled equally he watched his expression go from shock to extreme lust at the sight of her tan skin. She let out her wings and flapped and then a bit before folding them tight against her back every bit she step in, her breast bouncing as she walked. Her tail is cute and somewhat curt, he noticed information technology and and then though how would experience to enter her from behind, not realizing that he was staring at her lewdly. Rouge giggled and came closer to Tails' ears and whispered, "You're staring hun...." Tails jumped and shook his head a scrap, apologizing feverishly. "It's ok hun...I want you tell me though...what were you guys talking about that made you so distracted? You can tell me..I won't tell a soul..."

Tails sighed and watched her as she grabbed at sponge and some soap. "Relax, let me wash your back and just tell me how you experience ok?" She said equally she turned him effectually slowly. As he felt the soft sponge caressing his back and her soft easily running through his fur, he relaxed. "Alright...well...the guys were making fun of me because...I've never actually had sex before..." Rouge bared another toothy grinning as she heard that and came closer to him, hugging his back. She always had the feeling that Tails was all the same pure, and she'south always wondered if he would be a little amend than that red echidna. Her breasts pressed against his back and he shuddered a bit, trying to hold his emotions in as he asked, "Rouge, what are yous doing?" Rouge snuggled against me, "Oh Tails, its ok to exist a virgin, there'south zilch wrong with it...simply if yous want to solve the problem...I can help you with it..."

Tails looked back at her as she smiled at him and without thinking his lips met hers in a peppery kiss. Turning around slowly he held her waist pulled her closer as their tongues wrestled with each other. Rouge moaned a bit into the buss and her wings stretched out and folded in again every bit she gained dominance for a bit. Breaking the kiss he smiled a her and she grinned."I'll t4each yous everything you need to know hun, just follow my lead..."

Meanwhile the boys were searching through the rain for Tails. "Damnit! Where did he become?" Knuckles said equally he walked, his shoes soaked and Sonic ran effectually him in circles frantically. "GOD DAMN H2o!! Information technology's FUCKING EVERYWHERE!!!" Eventually Knuckles got pissed and stopped walking, closing his optics in concentration. He then threw his fist frontwards and hit Sonic straight in the confront, knocking him out for the moment. "Finally, some peace..."

Tails licked her body, from her stomach to her ample chest, teasing her soft mounds with her teeth every bit she panted rand her fingers through his fur. "Ah...Tails...thats practiced..go on going," Feeling confident he then proceed to tease her nipples with his tongue, using the tip to lightly castor against the pink swells softly making them erect. He fondled the other, flicking the nub with his clawed thumb as she shivered and moaned. "Ah...I never taught yous that?"she said with a puzzled, nevertheless lustful look. Tails smirked and looked at her, "I didn't say I was completely ignorant, did I?" Dragging his tongue confronting her sensitive breasts, she didn't notice his hand dropping into the warm water, finding her warm center that was omitting a sweet smell that he merely couldn't ignore. Rouge jumped at the contact of his fingertips rubbing her sensitive nub and she moans out his name, grabbing fist fulls of his hair and fur.

He connected to rub a bit faster making her shiver and buck into the feeling of his fingers. Reaching upwardly a bit he kisses her every bit she moans loud and long, her orgasm coming shut. Breaking the kiss she asks him to stop and tell him to look a minute as she sits up onto the edge of the bath, spreading her legs. Tails sniffs the air, the familiar aroma of her sweet flower filling the room every bit he looks up at her for permission. Nodding to him, she took a deep breath equally she guided his head, showing him what parts she like, moaning as he licked and lapped inside her core. "Ah...use..your fingers...push them within...please.." Tails obeyed and button one finger inside her warm depths, tasting the sweet nectar as he lapped at her slit softly. Thrusting his finger inside he groaned as he thought about how information technology would experience with his fellow member inside. His unsheathed member jumped at the thought and she notice, pulling his caput away from her,"Your plow, hun..."

Information technology merely to a second for them to switch places. Rouge looked in awe at his erection, it actually was pretty large. The thick erection throbbed in her easily every bit she kissed and licked his neck, running her fingers through his wet fur and feeling his taut muscles underneath. Tails sighed and groaned as she started to move her hand slowly up and downwards his rod, taking the time to lick the tip of it as she wrapped her tongue effectually the base. Sliding the member into her mouth, Tails grabbed the edge of the bath tightly every bit the sensation of her warm mouth and tongue was something he virtually couldn't bare. Shuddering and holding her caput softly as she bobbled up and downwards he found it hard to endeavor and non thrust into her rima oris, she was just then damn good. She sucked her cheeks in and her tongue beat against his flesh softly as she went faster. Tails thought he would outburst any 2d merely he didn't want it to terminate yet. Pulling her from his pulsing manhood, he kissed her with urgency and pulled her closer every bit she straddled him and his dick hovered between them.

'But push inside, and keep a abiding rhythm...ok?" Rouge panted at she looked into his baby blue optics. Tails nodded and held her hips equally he slide inside her tight, wet depths. "Ah!" she moaned and shivered quickly, realizing that he was much bigger than she though every bit he stretched her opening wider. They sat there for a moment as he enjoyed the feeling of beingness encased in her. Slowly he started to movement her up and so downward again, watching her breast bounce before his eyes as he kisses her lips. Rouges moves her hips in time with his thrusts, keeping a steady rhythm equally she moans his proper name. Tails grunts every bit he starts to push into her a scrap faster. "Ah.. oh god...Tails...yes thats so good!" Rouge shouted every bit she rode him faster, he held her hips and licked her neck, sucking at it slowly equally he fabricated his marker on her. He started to buck upwards into her, belongings her body equally he stood up in the h2o, pushing her to the wall. His eyelids were shut tightly as he felt his cease nearing and Rouge was surprised that he was lasting so long, Slamming into as hard as he could Rouge held onto his shoulders and felt herself rushing down also. "Tails!! I'm Coming!" "Ah Fuck! Rouge!" he said as he came, the cum filling her up and spilling out onto them.

As they came down from their high, they sank dorsum into the bathroom and he slipped out of her. Kissing her once more he smiled at her embarrassed. "Looks similar we have to go cleaned up again huh?" Rouge nodded and giggled, "Nifty for your starting time fourth dimension rookie...but we even so got a lot to teach you." Tails smiled at her and nodded, "Only if you're the teacher..." Rouge nodded, " Like I would let anyone else take my place?" They both laughed and embraced each other.

Tails made his way back the soaked campsite as he saw that Sonic and Duke were packing up the picayune bit of dry items that they had. "And so you finally made information technology back? Where were you man?" Sonic said as he ruffled his friend'southward hair. "Oh, just around..." He said every bit he smirked smugly at Knuckles. Knuckles sighed and got upwards to walk to Tails, "Await, I merely wanted to say sorry about last night and..."

"Oh...its no problem..." Tails said quickly and smiled. Just then Knuckles smelled a familiar scent. "Hey...that smells similar Rouge's perfume...hey did you..?" Simply earlier he could get an answer, Tails was already in the air, "Come on guys lets get back to the workshop before it rains again." Knuckles thought for a moment and and then shrugged, as Tails flew ahead toward civilization. He never noticed that Rouge was waving to Tails and motioning for him to call her afterward...

The Cease!

Pwease, commento?

Poppin' Out



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